Alina Art Foundation
One Life Project

Welcome to the virtual space of the Alina Art Foundation, which, since its establishment in the Netherlands in 2020, has been committed to supporting and promoting socio-cultural initiatives and charitable events through art and artists who dare to illuminate social injustices, challenge existing norms, and incite profound critical thinking. Founded on the belief that art possesses the unique power to transform and unite, we are committed to creating platforms where art becomes a vehicle for positive social change. We collaborate with innovative and visionary artists, providing them with the support to create works that entertain, but also inspire, educate, and provoke meaningful reflection on society and the world around us. Through exhibitions, cultural events, and educational projects, the Alina Art Foundation aims to amplify the voices of artists addressing the crucial issues of our time: from social justice to environmental sustainability, from cultural diversity to individual freedom. Each initiative is a step toward a more inclusive and conscious future, where art catalyzes lasting social change.


ArteAlta - International art competition to elevate contemporary art

The first edition of the ArteAlta competition organised by the Alina Art Foundation in collaboration with the Smart Gallery INARTTENDU d'Aosta closed its doors on 1 May with the participation of 432 artists from 18 countries.

The 20 finalists, 3 prizes and 2 special mentions

The Prizes of ArteAlta 2024

After careful evaluation of the candidate works by an unexpected number of 432 artists, we are finally ready to reveal the names of the three artists who won a place in the final.

The Jury of the first edition of ArteAlta

Sanda Sudor- president Alina Art Foundation
Luciano Seghesio- president Inarttendu
Barbara Pavan - curator and art critic
Baharak Dehghan- curator
Daria Jorioz - director of the structure for exhibition activities of the autonomous region Valle d'Aosta

Jury Evaluation Criteria

Innovation and Creativity - How much the work introduces new ideas and originality.

Technique - The technical quality and mastery of the materials used.

Visual and Emotional Impact - The work's ability to engage and excite.

Consistency and Harmony - The harmony between the various components of the work.

Personal Interpretation - The artist's ability to express a unique and personal vision on the theme of the competition ‘’FEAR‘’.

Bando ArteAlta ENG.pdf

the Art to awaken consciousness and awareness and to improve ourselves